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November 17, 2023 Development Update

November 17th, 2023

Marketplace Aggregation API

Perhaps the biggest feature worked on this week is a Marketplace Aggregation API. We have implemented an API which pulls data from existing marketplaces, allowing users to browse sub-collections of domains across multiple marketplaces.



This aggregation API is currently pulling data from Joepegs and Opensea. We will add more marketplaces as domains are listed and requests are made. We will also be prototyping a frontend for consuming this data. 

Have questions about the API? Hop into our Discord to discuss. 


Wallet Exploration

We have added a simple feature to browse domains in a given 0x address. This feature is similar to the existing “My Domains” page.


We will be expanding on this feature next week by adding it to the data explorer, making it possible to open an address within the Avvy Domains app.


New Affiliates

We have welcomed a new batch of affiliates into our growing affiliate program, and have also started a private Content Creation area in our Discord to discuss new & upcoming features.

Interested in creating content for Avvy Domains? Apply to our Affiliate Program! 


Next Up:


🎯  Contract Modifications. We need to make a few contract modifications, specifically, adding affiliate codes to the auctions, and potentially making some tweaks to the way affiliate codes are used in domain leasing.

🎯  Marketplace Aggregator. We want to set up a test frontend for the marketplace API we launched this week so users can start playing around with the aggregator.

🎯  Design Improvements. Overhaul on the look of the web application - this will be an ongoing task until we give the app a facelift!

🎯  Dapp listing site submissions. Will be seeking out & submitting on various dapp listing sites. If you are able to share any that you use in ⁠💬・general-chat it is helpful!

🎯  Data Explorer. Will be seeking out DeFi apps for further exploring wallets in the data explorer (and also adding some upgrades to open wallets in our new wallet exploration feature).